Ivanova A.E.1, Fedotkina S.A.2, Yakovleva T.V.3
1 - Federal Public Health Institute, Moscow
2 - Krasnoyarsk state commercial and economic institute, Krasnoyarsk
3 - The Russian State Medical University, Moscow
The goal of the work is to study the information
awareness of youth people about the measures of demographic policy in
the field of mortality decrease, which are realizing in Russia now, as
well as to study their relation to the additional measures which are to
be realized till 2015.
The study was carried out using the materials of a selective
sociological interrogation of young people in the ages of 18 till 35 ;
the interrogation was carried out by the Center of social forecasting in
18 subjects of the Russian Federation which cover all federal
districts. To provide a study a sample comprising 1000 persons was used,
it reflected social and demographic characteristics of the youth in
Russia (gender , age, marriage state , educational level, residence).
The lowest level of knowledge about realized measures has been
revealed (from 55% up to 80 % young people are not informed about
separate measures). Working persons with higher education are more
informed, but distinctions between groups by educational level do not
have a basic character.
At assessing the additional measures, it was revealed that
respondents consider that the measures for improving health care service
are the most important for health promotion and mortality decrease. The
disease prevention measures and health promotion were considered as
less important. These results indicate that the population is still
holding to a traditional view that public health services ( exactly,
medical care ) are the only responsible for population health . Such a
view has a negative impact on self-saving behavior of the youth.
A significant social differentiation in assessment of additional
measures of the demographic policy is marked .This differentiation is
shown as distinctions by education; with that, respondents with higher
education and postgraduate education assess almost all measures offered
as less significant from the point of view of their influence on health
promotion and mortality decrease. At the basis of distinctions by
education, respondents’ differentiation by a character of employment
lays. Maximum high assessments of almost all measures were given by
persons who have never been employed always working in their house
(traditional house keepers), or working at their personal farms , i.e.
respondents, as a rule, having a secondary education. Minimal assessment
was given by students of higher educational schools, that was largely
caused by their age extremism, but also businessmen, whose judgments
were based on financial and economic criteria, as a general.
Key words: public opinion, measures for mortality decrease, demographic policy, information awareness.
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