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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹1 2011 (17) arrow Arterial hypertension and total cardiovascular risk in the population of Chouvash Republic
Arterial hypertension and total cardiovascular risk in the population of Chouvash Republic Print
Monday, 28 February 2011

Ilchenko I.N.1, Makarova N.V.2, Eruslanova R.I.2

1 - I.M.Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Moscow
2 - State Russian Social University, Cheboksari branch, Cheboksari

The resume. Arterial hypertension morbidity remains high in Russia; it is characterized by significant regional specific features in disease prevalence on a background of insufficient efficiency of preventive measures .

The research was aimed at studying regional features of prevalence of arterial hypertension, the importance of disease determining factors, and total risk of cardiovascular mortality in Chuvashi population; the research will help to determine the priorities of preventive measures.

The work was performed in the frameworks of EPOCH multipurpose epidemiological research. A random representative sample comprising the unorganized population in the Republic of the ages of 15 and elder with the total number of 3090 persons has been examined. The total 10-year cardiovascular mortality risk has been calculated on the basis of SCORE ideology based on the results of Russian prospective epidemiological researches.

Prevalence of arterial hypertension in Chuvashia is 30.7 % that is much higher than the official statistic data; it is significantly related with a low level of education, unemployment, living in urban conditions. The high levels of arterial hypertension, which correspond to arterial hypertension of 2-3 degrees of the burden of disease, have been diagnosed in 53.4 % of population; the arterial hypertension was burdened by ischemic heart disease in 28.5 % of patients . The total 10-years risk of death caused by cardiovascular diseases in Chuvashia was 10.2 % for male population and 3.5 % for female population. The risk profile in Chuvashia assessed using a complex of forecasting factors and 10-year risk of death is higher in urban population, Russian population , persons with a low educational level. To increase the efficiency of disease prevention measures in arterial hypertension, it is necessary to use technologies of high total risk and to take into consideration the most vulnerable groups of population at planning preventive interventions.

Key words: arterial hypertension, total cardiovascular risk, SCORE model, Chouvashia.


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