T.P.Sabgayda 1, N.B.Pavlov2
1 - Federal Public Health Institute , Moscow
2 - City stomatologic polyclinic, Nizhnevartovsk
The goal of the work is the
analysis of efficiency of health preventive measures on the base of the
existing data of statistical reporting.
Results of activity of the Centers for health prevention have been
analyzed in comparison with dynamics of population mortality caused by
preventable reasons for the period of 2005-2009 in the subjects of the
Russian Federation. The study have been made with using the data of
official state statistics on population mortality(¹Ñ51), activity of the
Centers for health prevention (¹170), as well as activity of health
care facilities and medical personnel (¹47).
The decrease in mortality caused by preventable reasons in the
Russian population registered after 2005 is correlated with an
improvement in population social and economic well-being rather than
with facilitating preventive function of public health services. Death
cases caused by preventable reasons have made 56.4 % among men in the
ages from 5 till 65 and 53.3 % in women of the same ages. The
preventable mortality has decreased by 28.1 % in men and 26.3 % in women
since 2005. The coefficients of correlation between preventable
mortality and real available monetary incomes of the population during
2003-2009 have been 0.98 for men and 0.99 for women. A reduction in
preventable mortality rate was registered together with an increase in
morbidity close to all-Russia indicators in the subjects of the Russian
Federation where the number of preventive programs and projects realized
by the Centers for health prevention was high.
Resource provision and activity of the Centers for health prevention
was essentially decreased during the period examined. The number of
Centers has been reduced by 29.8 %, the number of staff employment by
18.9 %; employment of medical personnel by 8.4 %; volume of actually
received resource provision by 97.4 %. The number of researches aimed at
studying the population information awareness about risk factors of
noncommunicable diseases was decreased by 76.6 %, study of sanitary
culture of the population – by 52.9 %, study of behavioral risk factors
of noncommunicable diseases – by 41.6 %. The number of health promotion
services provided to the population has decreased in four times and more
, the number of consultations carried out– in 1.9 times, the number of
patients in the Centers for health prevention – in 2.8 times.
Thus, the results of the analysis have shown that the statistical
reporting data have not been used: a disparity in the data given in
various tables of the reporting forms testify to an absence of
verification of the information. The objects and tasks of the Centers
for health prevention are interpreted over a wide range, they are
overloaded with functional duties.
Key words: efficiency of health preventive
measures; indicators of preventive activity; primary prevention;
preventable mortality; verification of statistical reporting data;
prevalence of morbidity risk factors.
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