Son I.M.1, Perkhov V.I.1, Kasaeva T.Ch.2, Belostotsky A.V.3
1 – Federal Public Health Institute, Moscow
2 – Ministry of health and social development, Moscow
2 - City clinical hospital ¹ 55, Moscow
Federal state healthcare facilities are the
important part of the system of hospital facilities in the Russian
Federation. In these clinics, medical care is provided with implementing
medical technologies, which are not widely used yet because of their
high cost. This motivates increased requirements to health resources
efficiency , including human health personnel. In the article,
consideration is given to the results of the assessment in indicators
and features of human health provision in federal state healthcare
facilities, which are under the jurisdiction of Ministry of Health and
Social Development of Russia, Russian Academy of Medical Science, and
Federal Medical and Biological Agency. The comparative analysis of such
indicators is given as a ratio between the number of doctors’ and
nurses’ positions, the number of patients treated during one year per 1
doctor’s position in hospital facilities of various levels and some
others. It is shown that low occupancy of the bed fund in the federal
hospitals causes rather low operational load of doctors in hospitals.
The efficiency assessment of human health resources has shown that the
level of payment to medical personnel is essentially different even in
clinics of the same structure. As a whole, the data present in the
article testify that heads of many federal clinics have no stimulus to
rational planning the list of healthcare providers and effective usage
of available human resources. It is concluded that improving human
health policy in healthcare facilities under federal jurisdiction should
be based on interrelation between budgetary financing and various
optimal usage of human health resources.
Key words: federal state healthcare facility; hi-tech medical care; human health resources.
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