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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹1 2011 (17) arrow Necessity of implementing economic innovations in activity of health care facilities (by an example of dental health service)
Necessity of implementing economic innovations in activity of health care facilities (by an example of dental health service) Print
Tuesday, 01 March 2011

Safonova M.Yu.
"Intermedservice" Company, Moscow

Innovative activity of health care facilities of the stationary and out-patient - polyclinic type taken under examination directed on the use of research, scientific and technical and mental potentials was carried out with the aim to improve the quality of health care, to increase the range of public health services provided, and patient’s satisfaction with health care and social provisions .

To define the structure of innovations used in all health care facilities examined, such a classification indicator as "maintenance” has been taken as a basis, according to it all innovations examined were broken into five groups. All innovations used both in stationary and out-patient - polyclinic facilities were characterized by relative or conditional degree of innovation, were modified or combined by their innovative potential, and were considered as interdepartmental by features of innovative process. By a level of development and dissemination, innovations can be attributed not only to facility, but also branch.

In the article, the necessity of implementing economic motivation for healthcare providers’ payment is considered by the example of dental health service within the frameworks of innovation implementation in health care facilities.

Methods of research, collection, and processing of the statistical material included: statistical, sociological, and expert, methods of the system analysis, the theory of sets, methods of calculus mathematics and multi-alternative optimization, the theory of research of operations and decision-making, theories of management of biological and healthcare systems, the probability theory and mathematical statistics. The program “ Construction of the model for management of the healthcare personnel on the basis of complex social and hygienic research of the health personnel of the dental health service working in innovative conditions ”, which was developed during realization of the research, made it possible to determine the basic directions, structure, goals and characteristics of innovative activity of a healthcare facility (by an example of dental health service); to determine motivation for participation of healthcare providers in innovative activity of a healthcare facility; to develop a model for management of the personnel in conditions of innovative activity of a modern healthcare facility.

Key words: innovations, dental care, economic innovations, quality, assessment.


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