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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹1 2011 (17) arrow Analysis of Efficiency of innovative activity in healthcare
Analysis of Efficiency of innovative activity in healthcare Print
Tuesday, 01 March 2011

Shein A.F.
Regional administration for health care provision of Moscow railway, Moscow

The resume. Innovative activity and innovative processes in domestic public health services are rather new concepts for scientific community and businessmen in Russia. In the countries of socialist orientation, introduction of new concepts was provided by methods of active state intervention and, as a rule, centralized budgetary financing that is reflected in the literary review of the present work. However, previously used mechanisms for concepts implementation do not work any more under new market conditions of managing healthcare facilities, while new concepts only are still forming. As it is paradoxical, Russia experiences an innovational boom just now including public health services. Some forms and methods of economic management are changes by the others. In public health, processes of privatization, joint stocking, development of new organizational forms for economic and financial activity of healthcare facilities are taking place; also forming are the securities market, the market of capital, the markets for labor and innovations. In these conditions, all health care facilities, and all management institutions from the state level to newly formed limited liability joint stock corporations in small business are compelled to be engaged in innovative activity.

The content–analysis carried out within the frameworks of the present research has shown that the concept of innovative activity was not widely applied in the former socialist countries. In the special literature and official documents, such concepts as scientific and technical progress, introduction of science and technology achievements in manufacture and public health services were used more often. Under market management where healthcare facilities, especially commercial, have full legal and economic independence, such concepts are infeasible. This basic distinction explains the difference in the content of some concepts in innovative activity.

In the article, necessity of healthcare facility transition to a new innovative level is considered; conversion to a new system of work is assessed.

Key words: efficiency, innovations, healthcare facilities, an integrated assessment of activity, analysis.


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