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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹2 2011 (18) arrow Novel nursery protocols for advanced medical care to parents-unsupervised children
Novel nursery protocols for advanced medical care to parents-unsupervised children Print
Wednesday, 01 June 2011

Danilova K.A.
Izhevsk State Medical Academy, Izhevsk

The resume. Background: Unstable social, economic, and political situation in Russia in recent years significantly enlarged number and impact of risk factors propulsive for children’s careless and homeless status. Annually - 15,000 newborns are left at maternity hospitals, 300,000 children are born in single parent family, 50,000 parents are legally deprived of their parental rights. Every child from such social contingents is in need of medical social rehabilitation and social legal safeguard, which in turn necessitates state intervention and engagement of social institutions and public opinion for the purpose of apprehensive aid to parents-supervision-deprived children.

Materials and Methods: Recently, novel nursery protocols has been created in the public health of Russia: medical and social care adapted to special social contingents has been formed and training programs for medical knowledge and skills has been specially developed (insufficient introduction of these novelties in common nursery practice being still quite an issue). Hospitalized children that are deprived of parents care need a special attitude involving promoted nursery activity aimed at completed convalescence.

In this study, medical and social profile of hospitalized parents-unsupervised children from Izhevsk Municipal Clinical Hospital No.4 and from Votkinsk’ establishment for therapy and prevention (called ‘Specialized House of Child’) had been formed, and combined assessment of conditions of pre-hospitalization life had been made focusing on social demographic and social economic characteristics of their original families. A special investigation into reproduction determinations of those females that had been deprived of parental rights was also carried out.

The results of this study have been implemented for the development and practical introduction into therapy and prevention establishments of innovative nursery protocols and rehabilitation measures for parents-care-deprived children; also a course for maternity determination was organized.

Key words: parents-unsupervised children, risk factors, innovative nursery protocols, therapeutic and rehabilitation measures, deliverance-past females, parental rights-deprivation, reproduction determinations.


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