Frantseva V.O.1, Tikhonova Yu.V.2
1 Stavropol State Medical Academy, Stavropol Region, Stavropol
Federal Public Health Institute, Moscow
The resume. Our study of frequency of deviation signs in different groups of schoolchildren showed that in early adolescence, signs of deviations manifested rarely than in the 7-10 yr group. Multifactor regression analysis of deviation signs l along the spheres of their manifestation showed that in younger groups the psychic emotional deviations were predominant.
Frequency of intellectual deviations was most high in pupils of special establishments for children, more low in urban schoolchildren at large, and evidently tended to be much lower in lyceum pupils and rural schoolchildren.
It was noted that 22.0-29.0% of schoolchildren had not manifested any deviations at all and 12-19% of pupils manifested no more than single sign. 5 signs or more were assessed in 35% of the junior group, 18.0% of the middle group, 16% of the seniors. 60-80% of deviations fitted to the categories: “once in a while” and “very rarely”, which implied that they were not very grave deviations in functioning of children. More concern should infer the categories: ”frequently” and “almost always”.
The structure of signs of deviations arranged along spheres of activity underwent important changes with aging: there were decreased rate of psychic emotional disturbances, increased rate of intellectual ones, enhanced inclination to law violating actions.
It was established that gender did not play prominent role in the frequency of deviations in middle and senior groups, but a tiny difference between sexes in this respect was observed in the juniors. The structure of deviation signs kept changing with aging, though no strict regularity has been so far established.
Frequency of intellectual deviations was most high in pupils of special establishments for children, and aging brought here increased deviations in intellectual sphere, as well as in violating law. Peculiar moment arose in connection with a sensation of misunderstanding from the side of grown-ups as an extra deviation.
Key words: frequency, behavior deviations, schoolchildren, psychic emotional deviations, intellectual deviations, lyceum, rural, urban.
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