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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹2 2011 (18) arrow Social hygienic evaluation of accomplished suicides among children of the town of Ufa, Bashkortostan
Social hygienic evaluation of accomplished suicides among children of the town of Ufa, Bashkortostan Print
Thursday, 02 June 2011

Sharafutdinova N.Kh.1, Valitova G.M.1, Kaliniskaya A.A.2
1 Bashkortostan state medical university
2 Federal Public Health Institute, Moscow

The Resume. Annual accounts of the Board for  forensic examination in the Bashkortostan  Ministry of Public Health were taken for study, inclusive of children of  0-14 yr and 15-18 yr of age, to establish rate changes, structure, and locality specific  mortality of children due to suicides.

In the city of Ufa, the rate (number of cases upon  100,000 of children population) of children suicide incidence decreased in 2002-5 1.5-foldly (from 36.0 to 23.3 ), then increased in 2006-8 1.3-foldly (from 30.5 to 38.6). Structure of suicide mortality (distribution of children suicidal incidence for seasons,  months, days of week, diurnal/nocturnal period) was helpful to determine the cyclic character of accomplished suicidal children tide.

Post Mortem forensic chemical examination revealed alcohol intoxication in 52.7% of suicidal children by the moment of accomplished suicide, while in children of 15-18 yr of age it was in 54.2%, which 1.2-foldly exceeds the sober suicides (45.8%) proportion.

Manners of accomplishing a suicide were analyzed apart in children of  0-14 yr and in children of 15-18 yr of age.

Analysis of the destined place locations of accomplished suicides elucidatedlocality specific  mortality. These locations were differentiated along two age groups. The choice of secluded location for accomplishing a suicide was considered as a sound evidence of genuine suicidal intention. After mapping of suicidal incidence upon various administrative units of Ufa, it turned out that  children of 15-18 yr of age and residing in the northern section of Ufa most often accomplished a suicide. This part of Ufa was notorious for its unfavorable ecologic environment due to petrochemical industries and also for domination of families with poor conditions of life with predisposition for heavy consumption of alcohol, narcotics, and psycho-pharmaceuticals.

Measures for the prevention of the evil of suicides are to take into strict consideration where the suicide  had been stationed.

Key words: accomplished suicide, suicide, children, external causes, expertise and evaluation.


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