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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹2 2011 (18) arrow Organizational and social economic factors affecting untimely mortality through digestive organs diseases
Organizational and social economic factors affecting untimely mortality through digestive organs diseases Print
Thursday, 02 June 2011

Kamruzzaman S.
Tver State Medical Academy, Tver

The resume. Background: It is a comprehensive study of medical organizational and social economic factors affecting untimely mortality through digestive organs diseases. In the last decade, the mortality through digestive organs diseases increased 2.3-foldly in Tvery Region.

The aim was to elaborate techniques and methods of investigation for reducing untimely mortality through digestive organs diseases that had been pre-conditioned by drawbacks in organization and in quality of medical care.

Materials and Methods: An ad-hoc questionnaire was used for physicians and medical providers of Tvery Region – to study their individual opinion on factors directly/indirectly affecting untimely mortality through digestive organs diseases inclusive of organizational defects of provided medical care to patients with digestive pathology.

Results: A multifactor regression analysis had put the scores for three main causative factors as follows: severity of the lesion – 4.4, duration of the disease – 4.3, organization of diagnosis and treatment procedures - 4.2.

It is worthnoting that factually in all parts of this Region, the alcohol abuse was the significant risk factor. Other risk factors included low traffic availability for affected people residing in far-off localities from municipal clinical facilities which in turn was the motive for delayed doctor call, low sanitary awareness of the population, incorrect nutrition habits largely due to low living standards, lack of modern technical facilities in some municipal medical establishments, insufficient medical skills of some medical personnel, irregularity of population screening.

Medical and non-medical factors were separated and weighed. The scores formed the ground for certain organizational propositions to curb the elevating mortality through digestive organs diseases.

Key words: untimely mortality, digestive organs diseases, risk factors sociological study.


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