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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹3 2011 (19) arrow Estimation of the prospects for early detection of diseases in russia on the base of questionnaire of users of internet about their attitudes toward prophylaxis
Estimation of the prospects for early detection of diseases in russia on the base of questionnaire of users of internet about their attitudes toward prophylaxis Print
Thursday, 29 September 2011

Summary. The health care system in the Russia tends to practice of early detection of diseases, the motivation of patients to a healthy lifestyle and regular passage of preventive examination. Timely detection of diseases is most important to cancer. We can expect widespread introduction into practice of modern medical technology for early detection of cancer as a result of strengthening preventive activities of health institutions. It is necessary to determine the commitment to the secondary prophylaxis for the generation that has not yet overcome the age threshold after which growth begins the risk of cancer. It permits to predict the development of the situation with the early detection of cancer. Furthermore, it should determine the level of awareness of young people's risks of developing cancer.

The aim of the study was to determine the readiness of youth to receive regular timely preventive health survey. The survey was organized among socially adapted part of the youth to avoid the impact of unfavorable socio-economic factors on the perceived value of health.

Results of the study did not give encouraging results in the forecasting of the situation with the early detection of cancer. It has been found widespread risk factors for cancer in young people (57.1%). We found that this fact is conscious by the respondents. However, only slightly more than 5% of the respondents were screened for the presence of cancer markers on their own initiative. Poll results show that a lot of young people not seeking to apply to medical facilities with the appearance of health care needs.

Behavioral risk factors are widespread also, mostly among young men (p <0,05): the proportion of smokers was 51.2% among males and 25.6% among women, the proportion of alcohol abuse - 27.1 and 11.2% respectively, the proportion of practicing unsafe sex with many partners - 10.8 and 5.0%. On the contrary, the frequent finding of "sun" or visit the solarium is more common for young women (25.3 vs. 16,3%, p = 0,03). In families where there is oncology background, smoking spread among young women more than in the rest families, a dangerous sexual behavior spread more among both sexes. Among young men the variability of behavior is more pronounced and the proportion of persons with rational behavior in terms of secondary prevention of disease more than among women. The behavior of the population may hinder the process of strengthening of preventative health care system in Russia.

Key words. Secondary prevention, self-preservation behavior, physician Dermatooncology, paraneoplastic syndromes, the responsible attitude to health


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