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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹3 2011 (19) arrow Thanatos praxis and other activities of emergency medical service in Moscow
Thanatos praxis and other activities of emergency medical service in Moscow Print
Friday, 30 September 2011

Summary. Since a long time the emergency medical service has been regarded as an important constituent of public health to the quality of work of which special requirements has been always applied.

Main purpose of this service has been to provide urgent medical care to patients or victims in due minimal terms of time, though in maximal possible complete volume – at the scene of accident, as well as during ambulance car transportation to a medical establishment.

This system of emergency medical service has been built in the Russian Federation basing on already advanced infrastructure for its functioning. It comprises over three thousands stations/departments of emergency medical service in which nearly 29 thousands of physicians and 70 thousands other medical staff are engaged.

In the RF on the whole, 46-48 millions of urgent calls are met annually embracing over 50 millions people. Main structural unit in functioning of this system is a station of emergency medical service.

Every station of emergency medical service, always sticking to sanitary hygienic and anti-epidemiologic regimen, mainly fulfills the following tasks:

Every station of emergency medical service, always sticking to sanitary hygienic and anti-epidemiologic regimen, mainly fulfills the following tasks:

· to provide urgent medical care of high-grade to victims or patients in due minimal terms of time, though in maximal possible complete volume – at the scene of accident/incidence of the disease, as well as on the way to medical establishment under inpatient (ambulance car) conditions;

· to convey in a car to medical establishment of treatment and prevention the victims/patients that are in need of urgent medical care, or parturient women, or children summoned by general practitioner for such trip;

· under the circumstances of extraordinary situation to function as teams of extraordinary emergency medical care acting at the boundary of the declared zone of extraordinary situation;

· to perform through the established regimen certain clinical trials of novel techniques of providing emergency medical care, of innovative medical drugs, of newly introduced medical instruments/technique, of modern modifications of car units in general;

· to convey in a car to a sanctuary the cadavers of perished/died persons that are subject to forensic procedures or at least destined for temporary preservation in a sanctuary.

Besides the mentioned tasks, a station of emergency medical service could be empowered to specific activities of enterprise - for providing private medical care corresponding to main tasks of such station. For example, it may – under the auspices of Committee of Public Health of Moscow and in accordance with existing laws and regulations – participate in maintenance and following of mass public demonstrations. Such activities, however, are still waiting for definite structural organizational regulations to be elaborated along a model of such specific services.

Key words. Emergency medical care, thanatos praxis activities, autopsy, medical certificate of death, model of specific service. 


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