Urogenital diseases in municipal population of the Republic of Bashkortostan and local demographic variability |
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Friday, 30 September 2011 | ||||||
Summary. Population of the Republic of Bashkortostan to Jan.1, 2009 reached app. 4,057,000 persons, of which 40.6% persons has been rural inhabitants. This rural population reside 40 rural municipal local districts (MLD) and 13 mixed rural-urban MLDs. In the mixed type, town is usually an administrative center. Mixed MLDs have all-in-all 20 towns, 8 of them are by themselves considered as urban administrative locality. Every MLD had officially presented statistical data on adult population morbidity for urogenital diseases (UGD). Average annual values were calculated in this study for primary and total (primary+secondary) morbidity for these diseases in every MLD for the years 2002-8. Summarized values for 12 MLDs for primary and total morbidity were also calculated. Along these values, 12 MLD were ranged in order of elevation of the morbidity. Resulting elevated rates of growth of UGD in MLDs are partly accounted for by epidemiologic situation rendering to be much more elucidated with realization of National Priority Project “Health”, activation of preventive work, introduction of additional screening of population. Average 7-annual (2002-2008) values of adult population UGD morbidity in MLDs were calculated for the purpose of comparative analysis. These 7-annual values were calculated for primary and total morbidity, and also for various nosology forms. Analysis of these values demonstrated wide range variability between MLDs as concerns primary and total morbidity, as well as the structural morbidity along nosology patterns. However, these variability was actually a discrepancy, accounted for by loose use of strict criteria in registration activity, lack of physicians with this certified specialty, availability variations of medical social care for population of various MLDs. Working and living conditions, environmental ambience, natural and climatic factors also played certain roles in these variability. Wide range variability, if not discrepancy, necessitates further prospective studies for real prevalence of UGD here, involving more adequate general analysis of primary registry and more detailed selective samples analysis of this registry for correction of certain general data. Key words. Rural healthcare, municipal local districts, urogenital diseases. References
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Last Updated ( Thursday, 13 October 2011 ) |
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