Summary. Analysis into gynecological morbidity and
pathologic developments in pregnancy in the RF, Central Federal
District, and Moscow Region was performed. More detailed analysis into
prevalence and structure of incidence of gynecologic morbidity in Moscow
Region alone was also carried out.
Calls from adult population (older than 18 yr) were for inflammatory
lesions of female genital organs (35% of cases), non-inflammatory
genital pathologic developments (21%), benign neoplasm in the genital
and congenital block (17%), menstrual function disturbances (7%).
Calls from infantile, puerile, and adolescent population (0-17 yr)
were for inflammatory lesions of female genital organs (47% of cases),
non-inflammatory genital pathologic developments (14%), menstrual
function/cycle disturbances (28%).
Calls from adult population (older than 18 yr) were for pregnancy in
15 % of cases, and for postnatal complications in 3% of cases.
One of the main drawbacks in organization of obstetrician
gynecological outpatient service was a low rate of subsequent visits per
an initial call which can be accounted for by obviously insufficient
diagnostic and therapeutic care to the females with gynecological
Analysis of the annual rates of population-based visits to
obstetrician/gynecologist (supported lately by expertise evaluation) was
performed, and real requirements of population of the RF in
obstetrician gynecological outpatient services were substantiated: 831.2
visits per 1000 adult subjects, 209.4 visits per 1000 infantile,
puerile, adolescent subjects, mean 715.6 visits per 1000 general
population subjects. More age-detailed requirements of visits per 1000
subjects were substantiated as follows: 86.4 for 0-14 yr of age, 668.0
for 15-17 yr of age, 1309.8 for 18-29 yr of age, 1021.3 for 30-39 yr,
688.2 for 40-49 yr, 673.9 for 50-59 yr, 368 for older than 60 yr.
Other Regions’ normative programs of providing state guarantees for
obstetrician gynecological outpatient services could readily use these
schemes for accurate estimates of local requirements of such services,
only that an adjustment to regional peculiarities of age groups
composition of the population should be made.
Key words. Gynecological morbidity, obstetrician
gynecological service, outpatient health care, annual rates of visits,
healthcare services, normative requirements, local adjustment of
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