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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹3 2011 (19) arrow Level of operational activities of phthisiology medical establishments in the Russian Federation
Level of operational activities of phthisiology medical establishments in the Russian Federation Print
Friday, 30 September 2011

Summary. Phthisiology is still one of the most prominent medical services in Russia, and it is of ready orderliness. It provides sufficient amount of preventive, diagnostic, and therapeutic work. Tuberculosis is of paramount social significance, so it could not be funded at random from medical insurance system, but actually from the state (federal/municipal) budget. To this end also acts the social features of main contingents of patients of ATOPC (anti-tuberculosis outpatient clinic) who usually are not apt to participate in insurance medicine.

Insufficient funding does not allow for the improvement of logistical capacity of PhME. Most of PhME had been founded in the 60-s and in the 70-s of the past century, i.e. under drastically another epidemiologic and social economic situations.

Most PhMEs not only do not correspond to the modern requirements to diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, but also do not meet routine sanitary hygienic standards and do not possess facilities of simple comfort.

Measures favoring inpatient facility replacement, e.g. day hospital, are only but of sluggish introduction. Aging of medical staff presents a common problem of overwhelming majority of PhMEs. This situation makes for high grade of combining intermittent job positions and that in turn brings about inevitable lowering of quality and efficiency in duties fulfilled by medical staff.

Short-term and medium-term prospects for improving efficiency of operation of PhME imply involvement of young but qualified staff, including phthisiologists, as well as other narrow specialists, strengthening and modernization of logistical basis of PhMEs.

Key words. Outpatient clinic, anti-tuberculosis; inpatient clinic, anti-tuberculosis; phthisiologist; staff list. 


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