Summary. We’ve investigate of possibility use
simple tests, such as visual analogue scale and Time-Trade-Off for
calculation of indicator qality-ajusted life years (QALY) in
TB-patients. The received results correlated to following criteria:
method detection of TB-case, diagnosis, categories of treatment,
physical inability group, bacterial status and cavity lesion in
detection-time and at questioning.
For statistical data processing we calculated the average values,
conducted normality tests (Lilliefors, Shapiro-Wilk, Jarque-Bera tests),
Mann-Whitney tast, Spearmen correlation test.
The sufficient interrelation of results Time-Trade-Off -test and most
listed criteria is established. Results of the test visual analog scale
are insufficiently bound to the above-stated criteria. Thus, for
formation of indicator qality-ajusted life years at TB-patients it is
possible to use test Time-Trade-Off for majority of the reserarches. It
allows in short terms at the minimum expenses to question and process
data on a great number of patients. Visual analogue scale test reflects
functional condition of the patient’s organism, stipulated by chronic
current of the disease.
To define the possibility of the practical application result
researches, we have counted the minimum losses of the years to lifes,
ajusted for quality (excepting taped posthumously). In 2009 these loss
have constituted as minimum 5941 qality-ajusted life years for civil
population of the Russian Federation.
Keywords. QALY, quality of life TB-patients, pilot research, Time-Trade-Off, visual analogue scale.
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