S.A. Leonov1, V.I. Perkhov1, I.A. Titova2, Ed.N. Matveev1, Yu.A. Mirskov1, M.N. Banteva1
1Federal Research Institute for Public Health Organization
and Information Promotion of Ministry of Health and Social Welfare of
the Russian Federation, Moscow, RUSSIA
2Institute of supplemental vocational training of Ministry of education of the Russian Federation, Moscow, RUSSIA
Summary. Out techniques envisaged that principal
directions and fully developed proportions between components of public
health were to be extrapolated from Federal to Regional level - with
regard to local demographic situation and medical organizational
underlying structures. This procedure was meant to detect and then
implement locally the main structural regularity of basic Federal
standards of medical care level.
In calculating state funding needed to provide the realization of
standards of medical care level under regional programs of state
guarantees, it proved indispensable to implement normalized values of
coefficient of transport accessibility of delivered medical care that
were really related to local density of population settlement. These
locally varying, yet case-to-case fixed coefficients were - when similar
in magnitude – unitized in a modular adjusting coefficient for network
standards of medical care. This coefficient was in turn derived in part
from coefficient for the density of population settlement. The latter
was used for 5-chain classification of 82 constituent territories of the
Russian Federation, where 17 constituent territories presented high
density, 28 constituent territories elevated density, 17 constituent
territories – moderate, and 11 – diminished, 9 constituent territories -
low density of population settlement.
It is considered inexpedient - when thus classifying the constituent
territories - to confine to this adjusting coefficient, which had been
directly related to transport accessibility of delivered medical care.
Nevertheless, another three-chain classification of constituent
territories was created to include 46 constituent territories with low
value of adjusting coefficient, 25 constituent territories with
moderate one, and 11 constituent territories with high value of
adjusting coefficient.
This classification was developed with regard to “regionally adjusted
units of cost of medical services” delivered to the population. The
purpose of rated equivalent units was purely for calculation and
estimation, and the aim of their very introduction was comparative
account of budget funding for the realization of standards of medical
care level allocated to a set of medical establishments in a given
region. Equivalent units do reflect regional distinctions as concerns
financial expenses for an entry of one medical service, say, outpatient
visit, hospitalization, or anything else of that kind.
Key words. Differential standards of medical care
capacities, transport accessibility coefficients, population density
coefficients, adjusting coefficient of net standards, equivalent units
of medical care capacities.
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