Sabgayda T.P.1, Sergievskaya A.L.2
1Federal public health institute, Moscow
2Representation of the Oxford Russia Fund (UK), Moscow
Summary. Self-preservation behavior of successful young
people, fellows of Oxford Russia Fund, was analyzed. The hypothesis of
AS Skorobogatov (2010) was tested, according to which, care about health
is depended from the economic value of man. That is the next: in a
group of persons of the same age with the same economic value should be
similar behavior with regard to health.
The study seeks to identify the social determinants of attitudes
towards the preservation of health of the best students of the best
classic universities in the country. Relation to health was determined
based on a specially designed questionnaire.
Four groups of students with different perceptions of health status
identified among homogeneous population by social status, type and level
of education, focus on career and success, active life position (2002
people). We compared the respondents' views on the health between the
groups. Relation to disease prevention were compared not only in the
context of the selected four groups, but also in depending on the
financial condition of the parental family, the type of work and level
of parental education.
It was found that among the analyzed groups of young people
self-preservation behavior differs significantly. The sense of health
state in students change proportionally with their optimistic
disposition, physical activity, sociability and involvement in social
activities, resistance to the problems of life. Where the ratio of
students to health maintenance and preventive measures does not vary
It is shown that the motivation of students to the preservation of
health is determined by parental income families, the status and
self-employed father, educational level of mother, presence of
supporting the organization of health care. On that basis, it is
concluded that the expected output from human capital is not the leading
factor in shaping the behavior of the individual in terms of
maintaining health. It was proposed to determine the human capital not
only by the amount of money spent on education and training, but also
through character traits of individuals as regards the prospects for
employment benefits.
The urgency distribution among population data on the economic
viability of preventive measures was determined. Based on the results it
is concluded that as the health category is an abstract value for
students and it is not associated with the concept of success in
university, so there is no motivation to actively preserve health even
among the intellectual elite of the future society.
Keywords. Self-preservation behavior, the correlation
of the state's spending on health and human capital, health behavior,
the motivation to preserve the health, commitment to prevent, the
formation of the value of health, education responsibility for personal
health, character traits of individuals as regards the prospects for
employment benefits.
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