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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹4 2011 (20) arrow Tuberculosis morbidity and mortality in hiv-infected patients in the region of Sverdlovsk
Tuberculosis morbidity and mortality in hiv-infected patients in the region of Sverdlovsk Print
Saturday, 03 December 2011

Nechayeva O.B., Eismont N.V., Spiridonova L.G.
1Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics of Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, Moscow
2The Orenburg State Medical Academy

Summary. The Region of Sverdlovsk is unique among constituent territories in the RF for its concentration of the number of patients with TB, with HIV-infection, and with combined infection of both of them. It is also prominent for its unfavorable epidemiologic situation for either of the both infections.

In 2004-2008 in the Region of Sverdlovsk, TB morbidity was higher in overall pool of HIV-infected patients (irrespective of early or advanced stages of HIV-disease), as well as in adult solely HIV-infected patients (irrespective of gender), than in the HIV-free general population. Situation with mortality developed just upon the same lines.

HIV-infected patients of this Region presented more rarely a pulmonary destructive tuberculosis, than HIV-free general population, but more frequently – bacillary tuberculosis of the respiratory organs; they also produced in the latter cases a more frequently multiple drug resistance of TB mycobacteria for anti-TB preparations.

Primary identified TB patients with advanced HIV-process more typically presented haematogenicaly disseminated tuberculosis, inclusive of generalized specific process.

The spread of HIV-infection strongly affected the wide-spread of tuberculosis in the Region of Sverdlovsk in 2004-2008.

There exists innumerable domestic and international literature on combination of TB- and HIV-infection, nevertheless, no comparative study of main indicators of tuberculosis among HIV-patients (including early, as well as advanced stages) compared to those of general HIV-free population has yet appeared before our trial of this. Still more, there has been no reports on calculated probability for a HIV-patient to contract tuberculosis/to die from tuberculosis in comparison to an HIV-free patient.

Key words. pulmonary tuberculosis, Destructive tuberculosis, Bacillary tuberculosis, Haematogenicaly disseminated tuberculosis, HIV-infected patients, Early stage, Advanced stage, Combination of TB- and HIV-infection, HIV-free general population, Probabilities of death from TB



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