Artamoshina M.P., Dezhurny L.I.
Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics of
Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation,
Summary. Since 1972, state statistical accounting
(automatic performance being implied) in the Russian Federation for road
traffic accidents, including data on the lethal victims and injured
victims, has been conducted by organs of Interior Affairs. Nevertheless,
medical establishments also has been accounting on victims and injured
persons in road traffic accidents using record-keeping forms specially
designed for medical and disease prevention organizations; in
particular, the Form No.57 “Data on traumas, poisoning, and other
consequences of external impacts in the current year” and the Form No.40
“Account of the station/department of urgent medical care” are being
In 2008, introduction of monitoring for traffic road traumatism was
initiated in many departments of urgent medical care of Voronezh Region,
and it was based on specially designed tool: “Form to account persons
suffered due to road traffic accidents by a station/department of urgent
medical care”. This Form was supported by the specially developed
Program of automotive processing of data.
This Paper presents summarized data on these issues including
category of urgent care team, its professional staff composition,
professional qualification of the team’s chief, time points of
fulfillment of the call, distribution of victims along gender, age, and
role category of a victim as a participant of road traffic, severity of
health position, intoxicants in-take status, etc.
62% of realized urgent care team visits were fulfilled by physicians
teams, and 38% - by medical assistants teams. 3 time intervals were
recorded and analyzed in this study: 1. From trauma occurrence up to the
reception of the call by a department of urgent medical care; 2. From
receiving a call up to arrival of the team at the accident scene; 3.
From the start of conveying the victim to a local facility up to the
arrival at this medical station. 10 minutes were in 80%(1), 60%(2), 59%
(3) of cases, 11-20 minutes – in 7%(1), 28%(2), 27%(3) of cases; 21-30
minutes 4%(1)of cases , 9%(2), 10%(3) of cases ;31-40 minutes – 3%(1) of
cases; 41-50 minutes and more – 4%(3)of cases ; 51-60 min – 4%(1),
3%(2) of cases. 45% of the victims were passengers, 35% were drivers,
15% were pedestrians. 62% of the victims were males, embracing 29.4% of
the passengers, 94.9% of the drivers, 82.4% of the pedestrians. Persons
younger than 19 yr comprised 14% of the total number of victims. 13% of
victims were intoxicated. 10.3% of drivers, 5.9% of pedestrians, 2% of
passengers admitted to urgent healthcare mobile facility had died prior
to entering hospitalization procedure. Federal automobile roads that
were situated beyond populated localities were the scene for 50% of
surviving injured victims 64% of lethal victim. 52% of the passengers,
41% of the drivers, 11% of the pedestrians were evaluated as
“satisfactory” for their health position; 44%, 49% and 61% of assessed
passengers, drivers, and pedestrians, accordingly, had ‘next to grave’
or ‘grave’ position; 4%, 10%, and 28% of victims, accordingly, had
terminal phase at the medical check-up or pre-received OPD-label before
the arrival of an urgent care team.
We are of the opinion that the Accounting Forms with data on victims
of road traffic accidents constitute the sound basis for valid and
valuable statistical analysis in this sphere of public life.
Key words. Road traffic accidents, accounting system, injured victims, lethal victims.
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