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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹4 2011 (20) arrow Perfection of the organization of the traumatological help to rural population
Perfection of the organization of the traumatological help to rural population Print
Sunday, 04 December 2011

Kalininskaya A.A., Sharafutdinova N.H., Mustafin R.M.
1Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics of Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, Moscow
2Bashkir State Medical University of Roszdrav, Bashkortostan Republic
3Municipal Budgetary Health Service Institution "Blagodarny central district hospital", Stavropol territory

Summary. Background: The situation with trauma in rural areas of Bashkortostan was evaluated along epidemiological, hygienic, and economic aspects of this problem.

Materials and Methods: Distinctions in main indicators of mortality caused by trauma between urban and rural populations were established. Then, areas of different economic and geographical conditions were investigated for situation with traumatism, and territories of elevated risk for trauma were identified. Statistical analysis of trauma registry showed that first aid was provided by medical assistants in nearly half of the cases. Primary medical acre was provided in rural outpatient facilities in 42.0% of cases, the rest 58.0% of cases were taken by outpatient department of Clinical Hospitals.

Time terms for access of trauma affected rural patients to hospitals’ outpatient departments and also duration of outpatient treatment were analyzed. Inpatient treatment being provided in surgical departments of hospitals was classified along either areas with facilities possessing 35 beds or areas with facilities possessing 40 beds. Patients’ individual hospital records were meticulously reformatted to contain 36 specially designed items. 1575 records of patients hospitalized in 2 years were included. The volume and character of provided in the hospital medical care, were identified. Time of admission and duration of hospital treatment were analyzed for age dependence. The volume and character of provided urgent medical care (pre-hospitalization stage) for trauma were also identified.

Results: Experimental organizational functional model of specialized traumatology medical care to rural population by a Clinical Hospital was launched to embrace inter-district duties. Stage-wise conception of medical aid finalizing under hospital conditions was elaborated through this study and introduced in medical practice.

Economic effects of inpatient aid to rural population for trauma was calculated.

Conclusion: Organizational functional model of specialized traumatology medical care to rural population by a Clinical Hospital has been developed, introduced, and proved feasible.

Key words. Traumatism, traumatologic service, municipal union, rural population


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