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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹5 2011 (21) arrow On the pathways of planning of a municipal budget task for population-based inpatient care of malignant neoplasm of the mammal gland
On the pathways of planning of a municipal budget task for population-based inpatient care of malignant neoplasm of the mammal gland Print
Wednesday, 18 January 2012

S.A. Martinchik, S.M. Khomyakov, Ye.A. Glukhova
I.M. Sechenov Memorial Prime Moscow State Medical University, Moscow

Summary. To develop techniques of planning of municipal budget task for population-based inpatient care of malignant neoplasm of the mammal gland.

Advantages and drawbacks of two main existing techniques of budget task planning (standard-wise/analytical), methods and ways of calculating physical and cost-consuming values of medical services under the plan and within the frame of the municipal task were investigated into in this study. A standardized approach for planning was initially presumed as an optimal one for the arrangement of budget task for oncology outpatient clinic with inpatient department. This method was based on evaluating standardized expenses for providing inpatient care for the enlarged category of pathology that incorporated a certain clinical and economic cluster of diseases similar in tactics, technology means and costs of treatment, i.e. various cancers of the mammal gland.

Unlike the standardized approach, calculation analytical ways in budget planning were based on mathematical modeling of the indicators along mean values of the scope and costs of inpatient care in inpatient department of a clinic, and were usually taken on only in situations where any straightforward technological and cost-consuming standards of treatment were not available.

In this, a relationship between highlighted physical scope of medical care and cost-consuming indicators could have been established only but indirectly – through comparison of previously accounted data.

Standardized approach in arranging and realizing of a budget has contributed to certain economic efficiency of oncology outpatient clinic with attached inpatient facility.

A specially designed arrangement of combined overall budget was substantiated in this study as one of the pathways of budget planning. A prospective payment for individual completed case of treatment of a patient was introduced as the financial standard for the clinical economic cluster of patients with cancer of the mammal gland.

A specially designed arrangement of combined overall budget as one of the pathways of budget planning was guided by differentiated tariffs of payment for an individual completed case of treatment of a patient with cancer of the mammal gland. These tariffs were calculated along the cost of general scope of treatment and its structural elements in the given clinical economic cluster. These tariffs were implemented in prospective payment for medical services.

Standardized approach, unlike analytical calculations, in arranging and realizing of a budget task has contributed to economic efficiency of oncology outpatient clinic with attached inpatient facility.

Key words. Municipal budget task, municipal medical establishment, municipal unit of medical service, techniques of budget planning, standardization of costs, clinical economic cluster, financial standards of costs, completed case of treatment, cancer of the mammal gland.



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