A.N. Pavlov, T.P. Sabgayda
1Municipal establishment of Public Health “Dental Clinic”, Nizhnevartovsk city
Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics of Ministry
of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Summary. The hypothesis about existence of an
influence of concomitant somatic pathology on dental morbidity and cost
of treatment of oral diseases has been under investigation. A
comparative analysis was performed based on data of the mandatory health
insurance in areas that differ in terms of health financing and
development of dental care: the Khanty-Mansijsk Autonomous District,
Samara and Kaliningrad regions.
The study showed that the presence of systemic diseases affect the
development of dental problems since childhood. The levels of funding of
health and development of dental care did not affect the pattern of
influence of concomitant somatic pathology on dental diseases. The
ratios between the shares of dental disease of people of the same age
group with different concomitant diseases and without them are about the
same in the Khanty-Mansijsk Autonomous District, Samara and Kaliningrad
There are an age specifics in the spectrum of opportunistic diseases
as well as in their impact on the spread of dental diseases. In the
Khanty-Mansijsk Autonomous District the frequency of all kinds of
cavities in young children is by 1.5 -5 times more in case of presence
of infectious diseases or diseases of the respiratory or diseases of
digestive system. The frequency of all dental diseases in school-age
children is more in case of any somatic pathology: in 1.2-1.7 times for
tooth enamel, in 1.3-1.9 - for acute apical periodontitis, in 1.4-1.7
times for chronic apical periodontitis. The main somatic pathology among
population of working age affects on the incidence of pulpitis, raising
it in 1.2-1.4 times, among female - also on chronic periodontitis
(1.2-1.4 times). Also, among population of working age the frequency of
acute apical periodontitis is increased in 1,3 - 2,7 times in case of
infectious diseases or respiratory diseases or digestive diseases, the
frequency of chronic apical periodontitis - in 1.5-1.8 times in case of
presence of endocrine diseases or diseases of respiratory, digestive or
urinary systems.
The cost of treating dental disease is generally not dependent on
concomitant somatic pathology in patients. This pattern is seen most
clearly in areas with high levels of dental care (Khanty-Mansijsk
Autonomous District). Exceptions sometime occur in regions with medium
and inadequate funding (Samara and Kaliningrad regions). The presence of
respiratory diseases tends to interfaced with the lower cost of
treatment of dental diseases. The presence of the pathology of endocrine
and genitourinary systems leads to higher costs of treatment of dental
diseases range from 5 to 25%, but selectively (certain diseases in men
or women).
Keywords: Dental morbidity; influence of comorbid conditions on pathological processes in the oral cavity; level of
dental health care; prevalence of chronic apical periodontitis; the cost of
dental treatment, cost of dental treatment.
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