V.I. Starodubov1, P.G. Malkov1, M.A. Morozova4, G.A. Frank3 L.V. Moskvina3
1Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and
Informatics of Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian
Federation, Moscow
2Moscow State Lomonosov University, Moscow
3Russian Medical Academy of Posgraduate Study, Moscow
46th Moscow State Diagnostic Center.
Summary. We present the technology of production
processes’ reorganization based on process approach, which allows
forming a logically built, documented, transparent system for managing
pathologic department. It is shown that a complex technological system
should provide a stream organizing principle of the process and
robotization main process stages in pathologic laboratory. A model of
the process pathologic laboratory is formed using the principles of
graphical modeling IDEF 0. The model is a preparatory (pre-analytical),
research (analytical) and final (post-analytical) stages. The
effectiveness of integrated approach demonstrated by the comparative
technical and economic evaluation of manual and hardware methods in
histological processing of tissue from the standpoint of cost
effectiveness, improving the organization and informatization process.
We have shown the possibility of significantly reducing overhead costs
and economic losses by eliminating wasteful spending work-time used for
manual execution of individual process steps. Thus the employment
ready-to-use paraffin reduce cost up to 85.5%, ready-to-use solutions
Mayer hematoxylin – up to 8.4%, using disposable microtome blades – up
to 98.5%. Modeling and subsequent transformation process improved the
quality of care and efficiency of laboratory capabilities to create
conditions for increasing the volume of studies performed, to introduce a
single standard of the laboratory, to shorten deadlines studies. These
submissions may be useful for professionals in making decisions
regarding the logistics of morphological laboratories.
Keywords. Pathologic anatomy, histology
laboratory equipment, standardization of histological methods of
investigation, informatization of laboratories.
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