Yu.A. Korotkov, M.P. Artamoshina, V.V. Zaytsev
Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics of
Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation,
Summary. Nowadays in Russia only 10% (or even less) of
medical organizations for prevention and treatment are equipped with
medical information systems. The most topical and really urgent aspect
of this situation is the problem of complete automation of management of
emergency medical care.
Further development of the system of emergency medical care really
necessitates complete automation of management pressed by constant
growth of calls in number.
Foundations of information provision include accounting and reporting
facilities that really procures documentary support for operation of
this service and interaction of its structural units. Decision-making
for selection of the medical information systems is at present a very
challenging process in any agency management. Manual gathering and
processing of information still persisting in many emergency medical
care agencies eventually do not allow the rapid and efficient management
of emergency ambulance crews, nor do they contribute to comprehensive
study of qualitative and quantitative indicators of the agency.
Conditions of limited funding for medical information systems, to our
opinion, exist in most emergency medical care agencies of Russia, so
that mostly they are not in a position to acquire fully licensed
software, nevertheless, introduction of their own software development
could be quite feasible.
A product containing all the items of the Form 109/ó (in Cyrillic
alphabet) has been developed here on standard hardware and with the use
of the software: MS Acess db 2007.
The information converted in electronic form was rather handy for
processing and for preparing the necessary statistical calculations.
Keywords. Emergency medical care; medical information
systems; automated control systems; operational information, electronic form 109/y.
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