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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹5 2011 (21) arrow Gender characteristics of the individual in health adolescents aged 15-17
Gender characteristics of the individual in health adolescents aged 15-17 Print
Thursday, 19 January 2012

T.G. Shanina, O.M. Filkina, O. Y. Kocherova, E.A. Vorob׳eva, L.A. Pychtina
Ivanovo Research Institute of Maternity and Childhood V.N. Gorodkova, Ivanovo

Summary. The aim is to study gender-specific indicators of individual health of adolescents aged 15-17 years.

An analysis of the survey 300 girls and boys from 15 to 17 years. Depending on the gender studied personal and characterological features, the sociometric status of adolescents, their intellectual, physical and sexual development, disease, mental health. Conducted a comprehensive assessment of health status.
It is shown that in 15-17 years girls distinguished by a high level of neuroticism, and young men - emotional stability. In characterological portrait of girls in this age dominated by traits such as activity, persistence, irritability, anxiety, non-executive, the inability to control himself, a penchant for risk, young men - compliance, severity determination. Common traits for boys and girls are non-executive and the inability to control himself. The young men, compared with girls at age 16 revealed a higher scoring overall and verbal intelligence. Girls in low and lower middle level of verbal intelligence is recorded in 2 times less, and low and below the average level of nonverbal intelligence - in 2,3 times more often than boys. In the late teens the girls are more developed autonomy and social maturity reasoning, observation, attention, whereas the boys - the ability to analyze the spatial imagination, accuracy of operating a numeric material. Established that in 15-17 years old boys compared with girls are more often missed their peers or even isolated. Proved that the boys rarely observed in mental health. Differences in neuropsychiatric disorders, boys and girls 15-17 years of age were as follows - the girls more than boys identified phobic and depressive manifestations, specifically adolescent behavioral reactions, and rarely - somatovegetative manifestations and hyperdynamic syndrome.

It is shown that at this age boys less likely to be diagnosed autonomic dysfunction, and diffuse thyroid enlargement. The young men from 15 to 17 years, in contrast to girls, remain active growth processes. Identified adverse indicators of pubertal development in adolescents 15-17 years - a substantial number of them characterized by the lag of development of secondary sexual characteristics. At the same time, young men 15-17 years lag in the development of secondary sexual characteristics occurs more frequently than in girls of this age. For 17 years the majority of girls lag in the development of secondary sexual characteristics is compensated, whereas 25.3% of boys - is preserved. According to the comprehensive assessment of the level of health of 15-17 year old boys is higher than that of peers.

Keywords. Girls 15-17 years, boys 15-17 years, gender peculiarities, health 


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