D.I. Zelinskaya1, L.V. Shiriayeva2, R.N. Terletskaya1
1Scientific center of children health of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow
2Municipal pediatric hospital, the town of Kaluga, Kaluga Region
Summary. Aim of the study: to identify the structure
and main features of complications of diabetes mellitus in children of
the Kaluga Region with the purpose of elaborating certain approaches to
epidemiologic prognosis-making and prevention of these complications at
certain stages of the disease course for reducing health losses due to
this nosology.
Statistical data on morbidity of diabetes mellitus and the resulting
disability were included. The registry of diabetes mellitus in the
Kaluga Region showed the numbers of children with diabetes mellitus
inclusive those with diabetic complications, also the structure of cases
of complications, mean age at the set-up of the disease and at the
set-up of a complication, duration of the disease before emerging of a
Morbidity of diabetes mellitus in children and resulting disability
(70% of registered primary patients) in the Kaluga Region demonstrated a
verified growth in 2004-2009. Predominant was the adolescence age group
in affected as well as in disabled patients.
These trends corresponded to the situation in the Russian Federation as a whole and to that in the Central Federal District.
Diabetic complications were occurring in 30.9% of primary cases, with
sensory neuropathy, diabetic nephropathy and retinopathy constituting
for 73.1% of complications. All these complications had begun to develop
at early stages after the set-up of the disease. All cases of diabetic
coma had been manifestation of diabetes mellitus. Disability in patient
children was labeled over as soon as the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus
had been established.
Improvement in diagnosis-making should be confined to early
diagnosis, expanding to pre-diabetes and latent diabetes. Prompt
commitment of diagnosed patient to inpatient observation and elevation
of awareness and alert of parents in caring for affected offspring
should be strongly recommended. Advanced skills of pediatricians and
endocrinologists in identification of lifestyle deviations and
installation of corrected lifestyle of limited activity for pediatric
patients with diabetes mellitus would be highly appreciable.
Keywords. Pediatric population, Diabetes mellitus, Morbidity, Diabetic complications, Disability, Health losses.
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