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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹5 2011 (21) arrow Current situation and dynamics of eye injuries in the Udmurtian Republic
Current situation and dynamics of eye injuries in the Udmurtian Republic Print
Thursday, 19 January 2012

I.V. Bogatyreva3, G.V. Pavlova1, S.V. Ivanov3, K.V.Gasnicov2, P.U. Sadilova2
1The Izhevsk State Medical Academy, Izhevsk
2The Izhevsk state technical university, Izhevsk
3The Republican ophthalmologic Clinical hospital, Izhevsk

Summary. Results of the analysis of a traumatism of an organ of vision of the population is more senior 15 years to the Udmurtian Republic are resulted in article. Research is spent by a continuous method of selection. Indicators of primary disease with traumas of an organ of vision (actual and standardized) are presented. The structure and prevalence traumatism of an organ of vision of the out-patients’ and hospitalized patients’ with trauma of eye is shown in the article. Structure of the hospitalized disease by a trauma of an organ of vision for the reasons, the disease to the form, the place of residence, age, sex, a season, administrative territories and term of hospitalization are presented. The dynamics of the general traumatism and is hospitalized traumatism of eye for the thirty-year period is analyzed. Results of introduction of the preventive program «Improvement of quality of rendering of medical aid and a measure of preventive maintenance of an eye traumatism» and the results of examination assessment of quality of medical care at all levels are presented in the article. Indicators of size of relative risk (1,2-1,6), sizes of attributive fraction (on the average – 20,4 %), economic efficiency (Ea = 23,5, Eo=1,13) testify to efficiency of the program. It is shown that growth of morbidity and disability due to eye traumas in 2004 was followed by a positive tendency to decreasing these indices in 2007-2009, às a result of introduction of preventive organizational-methodical actions.

Keywords. Udmurtian Republic, eye injuries, prevalence, dynamics, structure, economic efficiency.


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