S.A. Martynchik, S.M. Khomyakov
I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Moscow
Summary. Requirements at the level of
oncological outpatient clinic to the amount, contents, quality,
conditions, course and results of fulfillment of the state (municipal)
task for delivering inpatient healthcare for neoplasm in breast gland
were to be properly formulated and this was the theme of this research
A state (municipal) medical assistance was identified as the
operational objective of the state (municipal) task. Such service was
considered as a special activity for delivering inpatient healthcare for
neoplasm in breast gland in the context of round-the-clock or day
inpatient facility (integrated into the structure of outpatient oncology
clinic) funded through the state budget.
Parameters of the state (municipal) task included: amount of a
medical assistance, grade of quality, maximum permissible costs and
tariffs, features of consumers, various sources of funding, units for
assessment of the provided medical assistance, obligations for
Calculation of standard cost of a medical assistance, as well as
identification of the structure of a medical assistance were
scientifically founded for inclusion into the system of planning and
realization of budgeting of the state (municipal) task.
Expediency of implementing established clinical economic groups of
patients was proved, and they were claimed to stick to the various
standards of specialized (or even high-tech) medical assistance for the
breast gland cancer as an advanced analogue of these standards. They
were to be used as a tool for calculating standard normal expenditure
for a completed treated case in an oncology outpatient clinic with
inpatient departments.
Well-grounded approaches to the organization of budgeting procedures
included: determination of the objectives of this budgeting, composing a
draft budget, assessment of real population-based requirements under
this state (municipal) task, providing of a state (municipal) medical
assistance, account of completed task.
It was established that development of the pathways for monitoring of
the course of fulfillment of a state (municipal) task for inpatient
medical care in the breast gland cancer could be ensured by balancing
between the indicators of intermediate and final results of the activity
of an outpatient oncology clinic with inpatient departments.
Key words. State (municipal) medical service, State
(municipal) task, Specialized oncology care, Clinical economic groups of
patients with breast gland cancer, Completed treated case, Organization
of budgeting process, Structure and calculation of standard cost of a
medical service, Monitoring of fulfillment of a state (municipal) task.
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