N.M. Kovalenko1, O.V. Dolgova2
1Voronezh gos.med.akademiya im.N.N.Burdenko
2Voronezh State University
Summary. Medical, social, and moral issues in health
safety, health, healthy people determine the effectiveness of preventive
medicine and regenerative medicine. High levels of morbidity due not
only to socio-economic conditions, but also the achievements of
diagnostic technologies at different levels of care. It should be noted
that the issues of diagnosis and treatment of disease predominate over
prevention, particularly non-communicable diseases, the active
preservation and restoration of health. Correction of violations in
health status is often based on medicines, while methods without drug
therapy, and in particular rehabilitation treatment used is not enough.
Analysis of private health care market in Voronezh revealed that the
primary niche of paid medical services to take the clinic (centers)
providing diagnostic tests or dental care. Virtually no rehabilitation
medical centers offering complex medical-correcting technology. The
spectrum of recovery in outpatient clinics and some private medical
clinics (center) is limited to physical therapy techniques and effects
are virtually no treatments based on the use of natural factors: water,
mud, etc. A representative survey of the adult population of urban
district reflects the need for therapeutic services in health care
settings. Most respondents prefer to receive therapeutic services on a
contractual basis, due to several factors: increased service and the
latest techniques, unique offers, etc. It should be noted that the
older, smaller than the average age would receive this type of service
without interruption of the main functional activities (work, studies,
home, close help). On the territory of the Voronezh region, there have
been many sources of mineral waters and brines, unique peat-forming,
sources sapropelic muds, huge stocks of various clays. The development
of regenerative medicine involving their own mineral resource base will
enhance employment, human resources, financial capacity and the
emergence of new areas of health and cognitive character. Attracting
investments into the development of commercial regenerative medicine is
not only the financial and social, but above all, preventive
Keywords. Commercial medicine, regenerative therapy, natural factors, the potential investment.
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