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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹1 2012 (23) arrow The quality of medical services and its assessment
The quality of medical services and its assessment Print
Tuesday, 20 March 2012

E.V. Rozhkova
Ulyanovsk State University

Summary. In the second half of the twentieth century the trends of dynamic growth of services were clearly denoted in all developed countries: GDP ratio of revenue from the services sector and the share of employment in it was increased, the number of service organizations was risen, international trade in services was expanded. Nowadays one of the most extensive sectors of economy is health care. An obvious very high social significance of the industry predetermines a careful study of all decisions in the management of medical institutions with allowance for dynamics of the environment.

Thus, the formation of medical services market, increased competition exacerbates the problem of assessing the quality of medical services. Quality rating of medical aid is one of the effectiveness criteria of implementation of various innovations in the activity of medical institutions. The study aims to develop a methodological approach and methodological tools for assessing the quality of medical services. As part of systematic approach the methods of comparison, logical analysis, structural descriptions of objects, general scientific methods of classification and aggregation are used. As a result, the list of quality characteristics of medical services was formed and the author divides it into subjective and objective ones. Subjective characteristics include professional, informational, spatial and claim characteristics. Meaningful, regulatory, techno-economic and comfort characteristics refer to objective characteristics. It was shown what features as part of this classification are determined with the conditions of medical services and what features are determined with the quality of the medical process.

The article identifies priority assessment methods of individual characteristics of quality of medical services, the method for assessing quality of medical services was proposed and the example of this calculation was given. This approach is of practical importance in the process of forming strategic priorities and innovation development organization of health care market.

Keywords. Medical service, assessment of quality of medical services, indexes of quality of medical services. 



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