I.N. Ilchenko1 , A.A. Samuilenko1 , S.M. Lyapunov2
1 - I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Moscow
2 - Geological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
Summary. One stage ecology and epidemiology study was
performed in junior schoolchildren residing in the Central
Administrative District of Moscow to assess the contents of copper,
nickel, lead, zinc, arsenic, and manganese in hair and blood. In total,
265 pupils of 7-10 years of age from regular primary schools situated
along/nearby Prospect Mira and the Third Traffic Ring were recruited in
this study. Excessive level of heavy metals was found in 10% of
children. The analysis showed that the closer the school and constant
dwelling were situated to the major roads, the more was the incidence of
disturbances in bronchial pulmonary and cardiac circulatory systems of
the body in junior schoolchildren. Hair concentration of nickel
exceeding 0.2 mkg/g was reduced as independent risk factor. Weak, though
quite significant dose-related effects inducing itching eruption
refractory for 6 months and diastolic hypertension were identified for
this factor. These disturbances involved 8 to 10 % changes in
corresponding health conditions indicators. Passive smoking in family
setting was identified as another independent risk factor – for
developing diastolic hypertension. Implementation of bio-monitoring data
concerning assessment of heavy metals in bio-media could be considered
as techniques of screening having certain prospects in the created
groups of children at high ecology-related risk of persistent adverse
effects of low dose heavy metals on the body.
Keywords. Biomonitoring, heavy metals, concentrations of nickel, eco-risk, blood pressure, respiratory symptoms.
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