T.P. Sabgayda1, Ye.M. Sekrieru1, S.Yu. Nikitina2
1Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and
Informatics of Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian
Federation, Moscow
2Federal State Statistics Service, Moscow, Russia
Summary. The results of analysis of the
frequency of death from unspecified diagnosis of somatic and infectious
diseases are reported in the article. The purpose of this analysis was
to identify information that most often has being lost as a result of
the use of unspecified causes of death.
Deaths of the Russian population in 2010 were analyzed according to
official statistics of Federal State Statistics Service. The classes of
causes was considered, for which the number of deaths for the year
exceeded 2000, they are nine: I, II, IV, V, VI, IX, X, XI and XIV.
Software Microsoft Office Access 2003 used for the analysis of
database. The frequency of unspecified causes of death was analyzed: the
majority of the causes with codes that end in .9 in fourth place;
causes with other codes, if they mean the unspecified characteristics of
the pathological process; causes with the codes that contain an
asterisk; causes that are not used, if we know the underlying cause of
death. The share of unspecified causes within the class was analyzed
depending on the place of death, age of the deceased, category
specialist, established the cause of death. Shares of unspecified
diagnoses in the different groups of dead were compared using the 2x2
tables using χ-square test. The probability of difference between
fractions was calculated, it was considered reliable when the error
value p <0.05. Calculations were carried out in the program EPI INFO,
Version 3 (EPO CDC, 1988).
It was shown that the unspecified diagnoses of death are fairly
common, most often - among cause of death from respiratory diseases,
relatively rare - among cause of death from diseases of the digestive
system. The level of mortality from causes of different classes is not
correlated with the shares of unspecified diagnoses among the class.
Analysis of the prevalence of codes that determine the unspecified
causes of death, allowed us to determine the information that was most
often lost as a result of their use. In turn, this has allowed
identifying problems affecting the poor quality of coding causes of
death for the population. These include: poor quality and lack of
frequency of laboratory tests to identify the pathogen, lack of
frequency of in vivo and postmortem examination tools, lack of
competence of health professionals in the field of coding rules causes
of death, lack of control of the correctness of coding causes of death,
lack of demand in practice for additional data to clarify the cause of
death, the careless attitude of health workers to diagnose the cause of
It is concluded that a necessary condition for improving the quality
of coding causes of death is the practical relevance of reliable
information and, accordingly, the presence of the checks of correct
coding at all levels of death registration.
Keywords. Codes causes of death, unspecified
causes of death, the quality of coding causes of death, ICD-X; mortality
statistics, the person established the cause of death, quality control
of coding causes of death, underlying cause of death.
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