T.A. Siburina1, A.A.Knyazev1, L.K. Lokhtina1, Yu.V. Miroshnikova2
1Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow
2Federal medical biological agency of Russia, Moscow
Summary. Rating evaluation is currently being used in
various economic branches and in social life. It is based on cardinal
indicators and implies optimization of management. Techniques of rating
evaluation, however, is still at store, the general notion prevailing,
that evaluation is made for comparing subjects of the same type, but the
calculation of it being sophisticated and consisting of numerous
The purpose of a rating project usually predetermines approach choice,
formulas of calculation to be implemented, and a set of indicators.
Unification of all these parameters is a main prerequisite for the
practice of comparison of subjects of the same type. The type of
techniques of rating evaluation to be implemented is determined with
concern to the type of studied subjects and purposes of management
regulation at store which is really based on comparable data only. It is
adapted and perfected along these outlined pathways.
Experts determination on the weight of every one of the indicators is
indispensable in rating evaluation. Thus, the final evaluation is made
not only judging from the magnitude of an indicator as it is (be it
score, coefficient or deviation from standard or pattern value), but on
the basis of its relative significance. Rating evaluation also must take
into account the vector of an indicator being either positive or
Integral rating evaluation of candidates to join senior staff was
elaborated in our previous studies, and it includes four clusters of
parameters pertaining to personality of a candidate, to career
achievements and business style. Experts weighing of every
indicator/cluster of indicators was performed, and it was done taking in
account the very gist of the post-in-question.
Integral rating evaluation of candidates most fit for the post
requirements was paralleled by their selection by an ad-hoc experts
board of regional level, and our approach was factually approved in this
process of forming reserve bank of senior staff of public health to
enter “professional squad of the nation”.
Keywords. Rating evaluation; integral indicator; reserve of senior staff.
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