S.A. Leonov, Yu.A. Korotkov, S.K. Vladimirov, Yu.Yu. Melnikov, Yu.A. Mirskov
Federal research institute for public health organization and informatics, Moscow
Summary. Complex integral evaluation of
efficiency of prevention management in medical facilities was conducted
in the Federal research institute for health organization and
informatics of the Ministry of health of Russia.
According to the study goal the following research aims were formulated:
1. To select statistical indicators referring to preventive
management of a medical facility in the regions of the Russian
2. To classify main indicators into ground groups according to main directions of preventive management.
3. To arrange Russian regions according to certain regional mean indicators and according to main preventive activities.
4. To develop classification of Russian regions according to obtained efficiency of preventive activities.
5. To estimate weighing coefficients for the indicators by their contribution to the obtained regional rank.
The completed Forms of statistical observation No. 12 (Data on number
of disease cases registered in the responsibility area of a medical
facility), No. 30 (Data on a facility of treatment and prevention) and
No. 70 (Data on activities of a special center for medical prevention)
were enrolled in this study.
Ranging (as a subsequent step of the whole procedure) of Russian
regions by certain regional mean indicators was performed in this study
strictly for 2009 only. This ranging was supplemented by geographical
mapping. Complex integral evaluation techniques for the assessment of
prevention management of a medical facility was elaborated and realized
in this study.
Keywords. Techniques for preventive management assessment; disease prevention; indicators of preventive management.
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