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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹5 2012 (27) arrow Role of standards in the increase of healthcare efficiency and medical aid quality
Role of standards in the increase of healthcare efficiency and medical aid quality Print
Tuesday, 11 December 2012

E.V. Manukhina, G.B. Artemyeva
Territorial Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund of the Ryazan region

Summary. More high level of the state of health of the population complemented by improvements in demographic situation is generally considered among the national top priorities. Public health chore in proceeding towards this goal consists in advanced accessibility and quality of healthcare services provided to the population. Development and adoption of medical standards are the key elements in improving public healthcare at large. These standards are intended to be the main tool for saving resources of this sphere within the framework of guaranteed quality and safety of delivered medical services. They also favor advanced accessibility of healthcare to the population, and - the last but not the least – enhance protection of patients’ rights in the sphere of medical services.

One of the main tasks put forward for medical services’ providers by the Federal Law: On Foundations of Protection of Health of the Citizens of the Russian Federation – was to provide all citizens of same severity conditions with the same level of qualified medical care, which was to be guaranteed by introduction of universal orders of delivery and standards of quality of healthcare.

The aim of this study: to evaluate the role of medical standards and orders of delivery of healthcare in the improvement of medical, social, and economical efficiency of the public health.

Programs of modernization of public health at the level of Constituent Territories of Russia analyzed in this study usually put forward the task of improving the efficiency of regional public health, on the way of introduction there universal orders of delivery and standards of quality of healthcare, with prime implications for inpatient facilities so far.

Medical standards are intended to develop and form criteria of quality of healthcare along detached groups of diseases/conditions. These standards imply the introduction of specific techniques for the quantitative assessment of the quality of delivered medical services. Evaluation of quality of delivered medical services – in this context – involves the juxtaposition of actually delivered medical services/measures to established standards and benchmarks of medical care.

Introduction of standards of healthcare can bring to the avoidance of certain drawbacks in the medical facilities’ routine. It can also propel the development of more effective system of control for the quality of medical services being delivered - with the goal of obtaining the desired outcomes of the treatments prescribed and also certain implications for elevated grade of satisfaction of a patient with the healthcare delivered. The endpoint is the rational implementation of all kinds of resources available in this sphere of activity.

Keywords. Medical aid standards; medical, social and economic efficiency of healthcare; medical aid quality.


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