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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹6 2012 (28) arrow Age and gender characterisitcs of syphilis patients in 2006-2011
Age and gender characterisitcs of syphilis patients in 2006-2011 Print
Thursday, 24 January 2013

A.V. Polev1, A.E. Gaidarova2, O.V. Romanova1, O.V. Porshina1, V.S. Shapovalov3
1 Moscow Research and Practice Center of Dermatovenerology and Cosmetology, Moscow
2 Makhachkala Hospital of Federal medical biological agency of Russia, Republic of Dagestan
3 Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow

Summary. Syphilis is still one of the very incidious infections among all sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and so it requires much of the attention from healthcare providers, obstetricians and gynecologists, dermatovenereologists, pediatricians, and other medical specialists.

Analysis of syphilis morbidity in 2006-2011 was performed separately for Moscow and for Republic of Dagestan. Syphilis morbidity was incorporated in the whole structure of STIs morbidity and so analyzed.

Analysis of syphilis morbidity in 2006-2011 showed its diminishing proportion in STIs overall morbidity.

Syphilis incidence in both regions turned out higher in males, with this - in Dagestan syphilis incidence in females has risen from 37.0% to 39.6% in proportion during the period studied. Syphilis incidence was most prominent in the age group of 18-29 yr in Moscow and in the age group of 30-39 yr in Dagestan. Syphilis incidence in Dagestan fluctuated along age groups as follows: in 18-19 years age-subgroup it was on the rise before 2009 and on the fall since 2010; 30-39 years group presented a slow-down in this indicator drift, while group of 40 years and older presented a certain rise; adolescence group (15-17 years) was quite stable for the whole period. In Moscow the value of this indicator was falling in all age groups for the whole period, save 2011, when a slight tendency towards the rise in adolescence group (15-17 years) has manifested itself.

Syphilis prevalence was most prominent in the age group of 18-29 years in Moscow (as well as the Central Federal District, and the Russian Federation as a whole), while in Dagestan it was in the cluster of age groups of 30 years and older - through the whole studied period save 2007, when it was most prominent in the group of 20- 29 years. In the South Federal District and in North Caucasian Federal District, syphilis prevalence was most prominent in the age group of 40 yr and older, being in proportion to the cluster of all age groups - 26.0% (2006) and 38.7% (2011) in South Federal District, and 34.2% (2006) and 40.5% (2011) in North Caucasian Federal District.

In the studied period of 2006-2011, the syphilis prevalence in Central Federal District and in Moscow was the largest in the age group of 18-29 years, followed by the age group of 30-39 years, while in South and North Caucasian federal districts this indicator was the largest in the cluster of age groups of 40 years and older, in the Republic of Dagestan it was in the cluster of groups of 30 years and older. The values of syphilis prevalence were considered as sensitive in this study, especially as concerns fertile age population, just because the spread of syphilis infection could only but favour the probability of newborns with congenital syphilis. From this point of view, studying of main trends and age-specific characteristics of syphilis patients is of great importance.

Keywords. Syphilis morbidity; age and gender charactertistics; regions.


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