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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹1 2013 (29) arrow Analysis of medical organizational measures for prevention of strokes and rehabilitation of post-stroke conditions at the present stage
Analysis of medical organizational measures for prevention of strokes and rehabilitation of post-stroke conditions at the present stage Print
Tuesday, 19 March 2013

V.I. Skvortsova1, G.S. Alekseeva2, N.Yu. Trifonova3
Ministry of health of the Russian Federation, Moscow
2City clinical hospital #20, Moscow
3I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University

Summary. According to international medical social studies in the majority of countries stroke takes one of the leading places in the population mortality structure. WHO deefines strike as a “rapidly developing clinical signs of focal (or global) disturbance of cerebral function, with symptoms lasting 24 hours or longer or leading to death, with no apparent cause other than of vascular origin”. In Russia stroke is at the same time a major medical and social problem consistently taking the second place in mortality structure and being second only to cardio-vascular pathology. Annual rates of mortality from strokes in Russia exceed 125 per 100,000 of population taking one of the leading places in the world.

Stroke is the leading cause of population disability. According to data of National stroke association of the Russian Fedearation more than 30.0% of stroke patients need permanent care, 20.0% can’t walk independently, only about 21.0% are returning to their professional activity. Stroke demands not only higher engagement from patient’s family members but becomes a heavy socio-economic burden for the society.

During the last years, neurologists, cardiologists, cerebral surgeons and other medical professionals enhance their integrated efforts for improvement of the system of primary and secondary prevention of strokes, for increasing of quality of medical social rehabilitation for stroke patients. High-tech methods of diagnostics and treatment of strokes are actively introduced into practice. Nonetheless, levels of disability and mortality from strokes in our country remain rather high in comparison with the same in developed countries.

As things currently stand, any changes could be achieved only by the development of an adequate treatment and prevention care and introduction of a new approaches to a staged medical care for stroke patients. Such approaches should be based upon two main directions: decreasing of stroke morbidity by means of effective prevention methods and by reduction of lethality in stroke cases due to improvement of the system of high-quality medical care.

Keywords. Stroke; post-stroke patients; medical organizational measures; efficiency; stroke prevention.


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