D.N. Begun, E.L. Borshchuk
The Orenburg state medical academy, Orenburg
Summary. The purpose of work - to investigate prevalence of
complaints of rheumatic character among adult population of the Orenburg
area and to define their social determinants. Object of research -
adult population of the Orenburg area. A method of reception of the
information - questioning. 2960 questionnaires are included in
development. The statistical analysis is lead by means of program
Statistica 6.1. High prevalence of complaints is established. The
general frequency has made 70,6±0,8 %; on presence of joint pains -
45,6±0,9 %; on presence of an edema of joints - 30,7±0,8 %; on presence
be ill in a spine - 60,5±0,9 %. Differences in prevalence of complaints
among city and agricultural population (prevalence at agricultural
population), but with a smaller difference, than in results of similar
researches are taped. Body height of frequency of complaints with
augmentation of age is established, and even in age group till 20 years
they met at third interrogated. Features of prevalence of complaints
among socially-professional groups of the population are taped. So on
the parameters standardized on age (pensioners and the students having
maximal (93,1 %) are excluded from standardization and minimal (39,7 %)
frequency of complaints) the greatest prevalence of complaints was
determined at workers of an agriculture (79,8 %). Further there were
employees, working, businessmen, military men, housewives, jobless (54,7
%). Authentic communication of all complaints with such production
factors as long static loads, monotonous movements, physical efforts,
rise of gravities, contact to chemical substances, influence of
vibration, influence of electromagnetic radiation is received. Among
social factors the augmentation of frequency of complaints was
influenced with a hypodynamia, a bad conditions of life, intensity and
the experience of smoking, imbalance of a delivery. Results of carried
out research show extremely high prevalence of complaints of rheumatic
character among adult population of the Orenburg area and deserve
steadfast attention, first of all, organizers of public health services
to the given problem. The established social factors bound to rheumatic
complaints can help with formation of target groups of the population
for revealing presence of rheumatic diseases or predisposition to them.
Specification of prevalence of separate rheumatic diseases and carrying
out of an estimation of adequacy of a medical care existing in the field
of the organization is required to an existing problem.
Keywords. Health of adult population; prevalence; rheumatic diseases; complaints of rheumatic character; risk factors.
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