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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹2 2013 (30) arrow Socio-demographic characteristics and assessment of long-term survival after coronary artery bypass surgery on the basis of disability
Socio-demographic characteristics and assessment of long-term survival after coronary artery bypass surgery on the basis of disability Print
Thursday, 18 April 2013

Summary. Socio-demographic profile of patients with coronary heart disease who had a coronary artery bypass surgery in 2000-2009 at the Chelyabinsk Interregional Cardiac Surgery Center has been analyzed. The number of coronary artery bypass surgeries increased over the study period. The overall male/female ratio was 9:1. The analysis showed an increased share of people of pre-retirement and retirement age among patients referred to coronary artery bypass surgery. After coronary artery bypass surgery 26.7% of all patients without disability were given disability status for the first time ever. The overall group of the disabled people after surgery increased up to 60.4%, patients without disability status added up to 39.6% respectively. Social and occupational profile analysis of the disabled people showed that before surgery 77.1% of patients were engaged in physical labor. Among men, the rate was 78.6%, and a little lower in women - 64.1%. 21.4% of men and 35.9% of women referred to surgical treatment for coronary heart disease during the study period were white collar workers. Patients predominantly included residents of big cities (Chelyabinsk, Magnitogorsk). Long-term survival assessment showed that one and three-year survival was higher among those patients who got disability status after surgery, while the ten-year survival was higher among those without disability. Differences between groups were statistically significant for Breslow (Generalized Wilcoxon) (p = 0.000), and Tarone-Ware (p = 0.002) tests. At the same time the share of people over 60 years of age among patients without disability status was higher and, coupled with other factors, could have affected the long-term survival. The study gives an overview of the current status and performance capabilities of cardiac surgery services in Chelyabinsk region. Expanded implementation of modern cardiac surgery technologies requires monitoring of treatment and patients’ condition in long-term perspective following the surgery.

Keywords. Ischemic heart disease; coronary artery bypass surgery; long-term survival; register; disability.


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