Summary. This paper presents a literature review of
foreign and domestic sources on measurement of economic burden of brain
vascular disorders that covers a wide range of issues, including medical
and economic assessment and rationale for technologies and inpatient
care delivery programs. Based on the literature data clinical and
epidemiological situation associated with brain vascular disorders has
been analyzed based on care applicability, mortality rates, hospital
mortality, and primary disability of adult population. Cost of inpatient
care for cerebral stroke has been estimated to show extremely high
financial burden on health system, including inpatient care, medical and
social rehabilitation and secondary prevention. Data on annual
expenditures and structure of average cost per completed case of
cerebral stroke, transient ischemic attack, and post-stroke vascular
dementia that determine severity and length of hospital stay have been
presented. The article rationalizes alignment of cost of treatment and
care for patients at discharge with hospital mortality indicators as
well as with assessment of neurological deficits and daily life
activities with score scales for differentiated costing of health care.
The document also demonstrates potential of evaluating care
accessibility and quality within programs aimed at improving cerebral
stroke register. Indicators of care efficiency have been defined: the
level and length of hospital stay of patients with cerebral stroke at
specialized neurological departments, access to neuroimaging and other
modern high-tech diagnostic and treatment methods. The article has also
analyzed program activities aimed at improving organization of inpatient
care delivery to patients with stroke to meet target indicators of care
quality and efficiency.
Keywords. Stroke; transient ischemic attack; vascular
dementia; hospital mortality; hospital registers; inpatient care;
quality; organizational accessibility.
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