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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹3 2013 (31) arrow Formation of health prevention skills in medical university graduats in context of their project activities
Formation of health prevention skills in medical university graduats in context of their project activities Print
Tuesday, 09 July 2013

S.N. Alekseenko, M.G. Avdeeva, E.V. Drobot
Kuban State Medical University of the Ministry of Health Care of Russian Federation, Krasnodar

Summary. Training of qualified personnel for the primary health care requires from a medical university graduate formation of special (professional) and personal-social skills.

The aim of the study was to investigate the possibility of applying the project method for engagement of students to preventive work taking into account individual-typological features of students' personality.

Materials and methods. Voluntary survey of 183 students of the medical university was conducted with the questionnaire "Evaluation of sociability" (V.F. Ryahovsky test), and test-questionnaire by L.M. Mitina to determine the capacity for empathy along with T. Kilman's questionnaire to assess behaviours in situations of conflict. While planning a project method for the study of type 2 diabetes the questionnaire ‘FINnish Diabetes Risk Score' was used.

Results and discussion. It was shown that graduates have an average level of empathy (64% of respondents) and a high level of communication skills (59% of respondents). In situation of a conflict respondents demonstrated comparable frequency of such behavior styles as a corporative, compromise and avoidance. Students were engaged to participate in project activities for the prevention work regarding development of type 2 diabetes in population. The objectives of the project were: identifying risk factors for the formation of type 2 diabetes, establishing the risk of developing the disease during the 10-year period, formulation of recommendations for individual respondents to address identified risk factors. Students' participation in the project work was motivated and has created important conditions for the development of specific and communicative skills in graduates. Education through project activities reinforces the tendency of graduates to cognitive work and increases individual responsibility and creativity.

It's shown to be rational to form the medical prevention skills in medical university graduates on the basis of students' participation in the project activities by example of preventive work in population for identifying risk factors for the development of socially sound diseases. Project activity integrates theoretical and practical knowledge and develops communication skills of graduates.

Conclusions. The use of project-based learning method of individual-typological features of students' personality could be recommended for acquisition of health prevention skills by medical students.

Keywords: students of medical university; health prevention; project activity; empathy; sociability.



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Last Updated ( Tuesday, 09 July 2013 )
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