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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹4 2013 (32) arrow Requirements for developing a system to assess performance and potential of scientific activities at the organizational level
Requirements for developing a system to assess performance and potential of scientific activities at the organizational level Print
Wednesday, 28 August 2013

S.A. Martynchik., E.A. Glukhova., L.R. Galustova
I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Moscow

Summary. The paper presents theoretical and methodological framework for developing an information and analytical system to assess performance and progress trends in scientific potential at the level of a research medical organization. The authors demonstrate that conceptual framework for assessing scientific potential should be based on system-focused approach and unified analysis techniques based on generalization of system functions, fixing elements, relations and links.

Objective of the study was to demonstrate that a unified approach to monitoring and evaluation of performance and scientific progress serve a methodological framework for developing information databases and management system and allow for comparability of information systems.

Results. Evidence-based methods and capabilities of the information analytical system for assessing prospects of research and development as well as improving workforce management have been presented. In the long term development of formalized procedures for assessing and developing information database with functions to collect, store, process and manage data for efficient decision making will become the most topical issue in improving scientific potential management within an organization. The authors also presented major avenues of work to design an organization information and analytical system, including standardization of procedures for assessing staff competence and research skills; development of tools for management and searches of information, and services to work with information resources, targeted at attaining maximal performance outcomes.

Conclusions. Scientific rationale for practical recommendations on informational support for the analytical system, data collection and analysis, and formalization and unification of assessment procedures play a key role in addressing issues related to standardization of procedures for staff competence assessment.

Scope of application. The information and analytical system is designed for developing reports and other information and analytical materials on current state and development prospects of scientific potential as well as for monitoring over research performance.

Keywords: scientific organization; research; scientific potential; assessment of research performance; information and analytical system at the organization level.



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