E.Ya. Nemstsveridze, K.I. Kasapov, S.Kh. Bisekov
SM-Clinic – Limited liability company “DERAIS”
Abstract. Background. Fundamental restructuring of the
healthcare system is linked to introduction of new principles of care
delivery. Deteriorated health status of the Russian population against
the background of long-lasting socio-political and economic crisis leads
to devastating socio-economic losses. Health indicators as well as
increasing share of the elderly and old ages along with decreased
fertility not only determine volumes and types of activities of health
care facilities, budget and medical insurance expenditures on treatment,
diagnostics, prevention, etc., but also necessitate organizational,
structural and functional changes for both all types of medical care
delivery as well as its individual components like surgical care.
One of the directions for further development of polyclinic surgical
care is the use of hospital replacing technologies that have been
actively developed in recent years. Over 15% of services previously
provided by 24-hour hospitals are currently provided by day hospitals,
one-day hospitals and home care.
The aim of the study is to substantiate demand for
hospital replacing technologies in organizing outpatient surgical care
on the base of opinion of out-patient patients with surgical
To study opinion of patients of health care facilities of different types about organization of outpatient surgical care;
To determine medical and social performance and conditional economic benefits of a day hospital;
To calculate demand for surgical beds for a day hospital.
Results and scope of application. Substantiated demand
of surgical patients in treatment in day hospitals, and calculated
conditional economic benefits of introduction of the suggested
organizational approach to surgical care delivery in outpatient
facilities can be implemented within the context of current healthcare
restructuring and produce positive medical and socio-economic outcomes.
Keywords. Outpatient surgical care; day hospital; efficiency; demand; performance.
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