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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹6 2013 (34) arrow Selected problems of medical statistical reporting and ways forward
Selected problems of medical statistical reporting and ways forward Print
Thursday, 26 December 2013

Zaychenko N.M., Lebedev G.S.
Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow

Abstract. The article dwells upon main problems of methodological support (grounds) for compilation of basic forms of Federal statistical survey (Form#12 – “Data on number of diseases registered in patients residing within the catchment area of a medical facility”; Form #14 “Data on hospital’s activities”; Form#14-ds “Data on activities of day hospital of a medical facility”; Form #30 – “Data on medical facility” etc.) and procedure for submission of annual statistical reports by administrative healthcare authorities to the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

The authors analyzed the system of development and approval of revised reporting forms according to the established procedure.

Current state of the system of registration and reporting was analyzed; certain mistakes, discrepancies and noncompliance between data in different reporting forms were identified.

Special attention was paid to annual sharp increase in volumes of reporting forms especially during the recent years against the background of existing violations of statements and principles of formation of annual reports of medical facilities.

The authors stressed out that it is not feasible to approve reporting forms in the middle of January of the present year; pointed out the lack of implementing guidance and extremely complicated procedure for reporting forms’ approval.

Taking into account current working conditions in medical organizations and high turnover of statisticians it is recommended to organize regular advanced training for statisticians.

Some recommendations on formation of record-keeping forms that require mandatory compliance with current rules and principles of reporting formation were presented.

It was noted that the system of reports’ submission should be updated with due regard to modern technologies.

Some suggestions were made to optimize the system of data control at different levels of work with annual reports.

Key words: annual medical statistical reports; methodological defects.


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