A.I. Vyalkov1, S.A. Martynchik1, E.A. Glukhova1, V.A. Polesskiy1, A.S. Bastron1, V.G. Zaporozhchenko2, E.L. Potyomkin1, E.B. Marochkina1, G.P. Marochkin1
1I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Moscow
2Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Abstract. The study is substantiated by the need to
address a problem of developing specialists to work with online
information resources and adjust to work environment and tools of
information support of an organization. This reflects social demand for
improved performance in the domain of science and education.
The aim of the study was to determine the role and
purpose of the workshop “Science Online: online information resources
for science and education” to manage training of researchers in
developing practical skills to work with national and international
scientific citation databases to increase indicators of publication
activity of the authors and institutions. The article covers
methodological aspects related to the use of bibliometric approaches and
evaluation indicators for analysis of publication activity and citation
of authors of scientific papers as well as research and educational
institutions, optimization of work with national and international
scientific citation indexes, instruments and services.
The authors propose for discussion context and workshop’ scope of
work, , training package, working program of the specialists’ training
module and its thematic blocks that show capabilities of the
informational analytical systems, instruments and services for objective
display of publications in scientific citation databases, systemization
and analysis of publication activity of researchers of scientific
The article presents contextual novelty of the program related to
systemization of knowledge and skills, improved competence of users in
the sphere of information technologies, increased workforce proficiency
of research institutions. The article shows that the role and purpose of
the workshop are to improve the level and traffic of informational
exchange within the research community; to develop high-performance
communication instruments and related analytical and statistical studies
on wide range of indicators; to increase competence and qualification
level of researchers and competitive advantages of research and
development institutions; and to optimize science management.
Keywords: workshop; online information resources;
information and communication technologies; information analysis
systems; publication activity; research and educational institution.
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