N.K. Guseva, S.V. German
Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy, Nizhny Novgorod
Summary. There is a cause-effect relationship between disease and
disability; deterioration of health characterized by a consistent
dysfunction due to diseases, consequences of trauma or defects is one of
the conditions determining disability development.
The aim of the study was to evaluate effects of morbidity
on the process of disability development based on the analysis of
dynamics of the main health indicators of adult population of the Nizhni
Novgorod region for 20 years (1993-2012).
Methods and data. For the first time ever
indicators of disease incidence and prevalence, morbidity with temporal
disability, primary disability and mortality of the adult population of
the Nizhni Novgorod region for 1993-2012 were analyzed. The authors also
attempted to quantify effects of morbidity on rates on primary
disability in adult population, working population and retired
population as well. Data processing was conducted using Microsoft office
2007 and STATISTICA 6.1.
Results. The analysis identified a
statistically-valid direct effect of morbidity on rates of primary
disability in the adult population of the Nizhni Novgorod region due to
malignant neoplasms and tuberculosis. Regarding other disease classes,
no statistically-valid effect of morbidity on rates of primary
disability was confirmed.
Conclusions. Degree evaluation of morbidity effects
on primary disability rates doesn’t allow to regard this factor as the
dominant one in the process of disability development in the adult
population of the Nizhni Novgorod region. Information on regularities of
disability development can help to design measures aimed at improving
organization of expert and rehabilitation processes for people with
disability both at the regional and federal levels.
Keywords: morbidity; disability; disability rate; correlation analysis.
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