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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹1 2014 (35) arrow Medical and social peculiarities of methodology and analysis of perinatal death causes in women with extracorporal fertilization
Medical and social peculiarities of methodology and analysis of perinatal death causes in women with extracorporal fertilization Print
Monday, 17 March 2014

L. R. Artsybysheva
“Health clinic, Ltd.”, Moscow 

Summary. Background. Risk of fetal congenital malformations causing future perinatal deaths is higher in case of extracorporal fertilization compared with natural pregnancy.

First of all it may be due to older age of future mothers as well as defects that caused male infertility. Therefore, in many cases extracorporal fertilization requires pre-implantation diagnostics to detect chromosomal pathology and some genetic diseases with further obligatory biochemical and ultrasound screening of pregnant women aimed at early detection of fetal organ and system malformations.

Objective information about level and structure of perinatal pathology and its dynamics serves as a basis for comparative analysis of health status of newborns as well as planning of financial and human resources in regard to implementation of the required therapeutic procedures. Perinatal pathology traditionally includes fetal neonatal pathologies diagnosed during perinatal period regardless of their onset.

The aim of the study was to develop and implement the most accurate methods for evaluating perinatal losses in women with extracorporal fertilization.

Objectives included the following ones: a) to determine definition of perinatal pathology risk factors in women with extracorporal fertilization; b) to implement the developed methodology for evaluation of perinatal losses.

Methods and data: medical statistics and analysis. To receive cross-reference statistical data on this pathology the authors used the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems. Published in Russia ICD-10 lists perinatal pathology as a separate Chapter XVI - Certain conditions originating in the perinatal period; it also contains standards and requirements to register stillbirths, perinatal, neonatal and infant mortality.

Keywords. Perinatal period; extracorporal fertilization; pathology; pregnancy; mortality; neonatal period.


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