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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹1 2014 (35) arrow Medical and social factors affecting female reproductive health
Medical and social factors affecting female reproductive health Print
Monday, 17 March 2014

I.V. Sergeyko
“Derais, Ltd.”, SM-Clinic, Moscow 

Abstract. Background. Reproductive health includes harmony and balance of sexual, physical, and phsychosexual development as well as somatic and mental health. Reproductive disorders affect health of future generation. Nowadays, the problem of reproductive health of young women is comprehensive and urgent and much dependable upon insufficient knowledge and culture of family planning. This is a consequence of the destroyed system of female health education. The situation calls for urgent governmental measures aimed at improving female reproductive health.

The aim of the study was to develop evidence-based recommendations on improving female reproductive health based on complex social and hygienic study of women of reproductive age.

Objectives of the study included the following ones: a) to evaluate obstetric and gynecological characteristics of female reproductive health; b) to study medical and social peculiarities of women of fertile age; c) to determine main factors affecting reproductive health of the cohort and to identify correlation dependence.

Methods and data. According to the study aim and objectives the authors used the following methods: sociological – questioning to study medical and social characteristics of women; statistical – to collect, process and analyze the obtained information and identify major regularities; correlation analysis.

Results. The analysis showed that the share of pregnant women suffering from morning sickness in the midpregnancy increased by 14.3% in 2000-2010; the number of abortions per 100 live and still births reduced by 64.2%; prevalence of diseases in pregnancy increased by 96.4%; and the share of easy deliveries increased by 34.4%.

The main factors affecting reproductive health in the cohort are the following: financial situation, age, number of cigarettes per day, housing conditions, previous surgical interventions, age at time of disease detection at women’s clinic.

Practical implication. The study data substantiate the need to employ all major recourses to stimulate fertility including apart from financial incentives: improved reproductive health of women of fertile age, and reduced rates of somatic and gynecological morbidity.

Keywords: pregnancy; disease detection; female reproductive health; fertile age; improvement of reproductive health.


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1. 19-12-2014 14:40
Áîëüøîå ñïàñèáî çà ñòîëü àêòóàëüíóþ òåìó èññëåäîâàíèÿ, òàê êàê íàøà îáëàñòü èññëåäîâàíèÿ òîæå ñâÿçàíà ñ æåíùèíàìè ðåïðîäóêòèâíîãî âîçðàñòà è ñîõðàíåíèåì èõ çäîðîâüÿ.
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