E.B. Tsybikova
Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Abstract. Background. The substantial
reserve for increasing efficiency of treatment of patients with
destruction of lung tissue is surgery. However, widespread of HIV in
patients with destructive pulmonary TB in many Russian regions limits
using surgery methods of treatment.
The objective of the study: using of matrix analysis to assess
need for surgery to newly diagnozed patients with destruction of lung
tissue in Russian regions.
Methods and data: data from reporting forms of federal state
statistics #8, #33 and #61 and Order #50 on the Ministry of Health of
Russia from 2011. Author’s own matrix was used for analysis. For every
81 regions author calculated shares of patients: with destruction of
lung tissue; multidrug-resistant TB; co-infection with tuberculosis and
HIV; Tb in ages 25-34 years; and patient received surgical treatment.
Results. Author developed co-infection index for estimation of
share of patients with HIV among young TB patients 18-44 years old.
Matrix analysis results showed that in 37 regions with low level of HIV
and high demand for surgery in all age groups, its availability was low
or even lack.
In 23 regions with high HIV level, need for surgery was present only in
older patients, although 8 regions didn’t provide this type of medical
Conclusions. Matrix analysis results showed that the reason for
reduction of demand for surgery in patients with destruction of lung
tissue in 23 regions was widespread of HIV in young patients (18-44
years). Calculation of demand for surgery should be conducted annually
for 2 groups of Russian regions – with high and low prevalence
co-infection with tuberculosis and HIV.
Keywords: lung TB; destruction of lung tissue; co-infection with
tuberculosis and HIV; multidrug-resistant TB; matrix analysis; demand
for surgery.
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